Cold Supply Chain Services
Get cold chain services support from our experts as your company implements the Hybrid. We will equip your supply chain with fully-charged, quality-checked, ready-to-use containers and minimize the financial risk of product loss.
Start your journey
Book your containers directly from SkyCell and work with us to plan an optimal shipping route for your product. At the end of the journey, we offer container recollection to make your shipment as convenient as possible as a part of cold chain services.
We bring it.
You ship it.
We re-collect it.
Worldwide availability
SkyCell offers global logistics coverage and provides you with ready-to-use containers at your preferred destination.
Switching to hybrid
Change is quick and simple with SkyCell’s cold chain services. We will leverage best practices support to ensure a timely and effective transition to hybrid containers.
Four steps for a smooth switch
1 Validation
- Requirement engineering
- Definition of responsibilities
- Technology transfer package
2 Integration
- Lane SOPs
- Data-driven Lane Risk Assessment Service
- Container validation completed
3 Go-live
- Live tracking of shipment and results
- Roll out of additional shipment lanes
- Roll out from additional production sites
4 Continuous improvement
- Business review
- Streamlining of processes
- Improvement of CO2 footprint
Peace of Mind Insurance
Minimize financial risk of product loss with our new Peace of Mind Insurance. As the first and only container provider with this offering, SkyCell’s impeccable and audited track record provides insurance even at low risk and covers up to €4 million per container (Available in Swiss francs or US dollars).